Battlefield Bangkok

This is one of those games that looks gorgeous but I can't find anyone willing to try it with me. So, I went through the job of watching a youtuber describe how to play it and now I REALLY want to play it. 

The basic premise of the game is to complete badges to get victory points. A badge might require 2 purple stones and a pink stone for example. To get those resources you just have to have a rocket on that spot. Those are communal rockets, if a rocket is on the location with the purple stones you can get the purple stone with your action. Then the rocket flies off onto the next available spot. That's it, that's your turn. There are other mechanics like being able to leech off other people's turns and having to actually turn in stones to get badges but that's the basics.

It sounds simple but even without playing it I can tell there's going to be lots of fun times trying to figure out the puzzle of when to trigger a spot, if its better to wait or do it now and if by triggering a spot will it give someone else a bigger advantage? The locations are also random each game so there's good replay value from what I can tell. On the one hand I'm worried there might not be enough to do to keep you fully engaged the whole time but this seems like the kind of game where you do have to pay attention to what's happening so you can plan out your moves. Very excited to try!

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